
What is PPC advertising?

PPC stands for pay per click. Compared to traditional advertising, PPC operates on a different pricing model. Instead of paying in advance for your ad like you would in a magazine or newspaper, you pay only when someone clicks on it. 

PPC is one of the best ways to generate targeted website traffic quickly. It allows your business to place ads across the web and attract relevant visitors who are most likely to be interested in your offering. You can promote your business on search results, relevant websites and even on social media websites like Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. 

Depending which platforms you choose your ads can feature text, images and video. You can target them in a range of ways: by device i.e. mobile phone, by choosing keywords relevant to your business i.e. locksmith near me, by selecting interests or topics like ‘home and garden’ and even by location, age, gender, time of day or day of the week and much more.

Why advertise with PPC?

I like to think of your website as your physical shop, and PPC ads as the directions and signage that guide and entice customers in. Without the directions and the signage people don’t know you are there or what you do. It’s just the same for PPC, you can have an all singing, all dancing website, but if people can’t find it when they are looking online then what’s the point? 

PPC allows you to strategically place ads to appeal to motivated customers who are actively looking for your businesses products and services. So let me ask you, why wouldn’t you advertise with PPC? 

How much budget do I need?

The million dollar question! This will very much depend on your goals, your industry and the strategy. A local business with a small local audience will require significantly less budget than a business who wants to target tens of thousands of people across the whole of the UK.

What I suggest is a discovery call where I can gather some initial information about your business and aspirations for it and then I can make some suggestions based on my experience and what has worked for my clients in the past.

I have clients that spend as little as £150 per month and clients that spend £5,000+ it just completely depends on your goals and expectations. 

Can you guarantee results?

There is no crystal ball and I can’t make any guarantees as we never know what Google and Facebook is going to do, however I absolutely promise that I will do the best job I can with the tools you give me and I will be entirely transparent on the results, including advising if we should stop the ads. I will treat your ads budget as if it was my own money. 

Please take the time to look at the testimonials where you will see I give my clients 100% of my energy. I am completely transparent and that is why I have built an enviable reputation and portfolio of clients that stay with me month after month.

How do you report results?

When I build your campaign I will set up conversion tracking. This will involve adding a tag to your website that allows me to see when a user takes action on your website after clicking an ad. This might be completing your contact form, making a purchase, calling you, downloading a brochure etc.

Unlike traditional advertising where it is very difficult to calculate an ROI, using conversion tracking allows me to see exactly what is working and quickly stop anything that isn’t. It’s the part I love most about my job – seeing the results!  

Each month I send a pdf to my clients via email which covers all of the agreed KPIs, any observations and optimisations I’ve made and what the next steps are. This is a clear, simple document with all the terminology labelled with a key so you can understand it easily.

I know you are short on time so I won’t bombard you with unnecessary or complicated information, unless you want to know all the ins and out that is! Usually the first time I send a report I follow up with a call to explain what everything means and you can ask as many questions as you like. 

What do I need to do to ensure PPC works for my business?

The main thing is to ensure that you are reaching the right audience. It’s no good serving wedding cakes to someone who is getting a divorce or brand new cars to someone who rides a bike! So knowing who your customers are and where to find them is the most vital step.

In addition there are 3 essential components that affect how well an advert performs:

  • the quality of your website or landing page
  • how well composed your ads are
  • how competitive your bid / budget is

Your ads are ranked based on these 3 factors so it’s important you get it right if you want to make the most of your budget. I’ll work closely with you to identify who your audience is, what makes them tick and how/where you can reach them with compelling messages.

Finally, you need to keep abreast of changes and ensure that your ad continues to follow best practices. That is where I come in. Each year I update my Google certifications and as I am immersed in PPC day to day I keep my finger on the pulse to ensure your campaigns keep getting results.

Do people really click online PPC ads?

Yes! Here’s a few stats that might help convince you…

  • Google is the most visited website in the world
  • Ads that appear in Google search results take 45% of all clicks
  • Facebook is the world’s 3rd most visited website
  • 90 million small businesses use Facebook, 24.6% of these use paid media
  • an average Facebook user clicks 11 ads per month
  • 200 million Instagram users will visit at least 1 business profile daily
  • Instagram is the second most downloaded free app in the Apple app store
  • 130 million Instagram users tap on shopping posts every month
  • sponsored InMail on LinkedIn has a 52% open rate
  • 89% of B2B marketers used LinkedIn for lead generation

Source: Hootsuite

Can I run ads myself?

Of course! Many people do. But please don’t do it without completing the online tutorials first, you can quickly waste a tonne of cash if you incorrectly configure your settings and targeting. I fix poorly built campaigns all the time for businesses who’ve had their fingers burnt!

You can do the Facebook Blueprint courses here and learn about Google Ads here and finally you can explore the LinkedIn Marketing Success Hub here. Plus you might want to take a look at my blog for more tips.

For the most part clients I work with don’t have the time or inclination to train in PPC and would rather leave it to an expert who can make their money work hard for them. But I do work with some clients who run their own campaigns who lean on me for knowledge as and when they need it. 

Can you help me make sure my website is up to scratch?

Yes this is very much part of the service. If your website is not up to scratch I will not be able to generate results. I also partner with local talent to deliver new/improved websites and this is something we can discuss in our discovery call.

Have more questions? Let’s chat.

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